Computer Graphics Laboratory ETH Zurich


Game Programming Laboratory - SS12 - Homework

Teams Teams | Game Projects | XNA Camera | XNA Physics | Assignments

Will be formed during the first lecture.

Game Projects Teams | Game Projects | XNA Camera | XNA Physics | Assignments

- The results of the year 2010's course can be viewed here.
- The results of the year 2009's course can be viewed here.
- The results of the year 2008's course can be viewed here.
- The results of the year 2007's course can be viewed here.

XNA Camera Teams | Game Projects | XNA Camera | XNA Physics | Assignments

Camera Model can be found here.

XNA Physics Teams | Game Projects | XNA Camera | XNA Physics | Assignments

A good collection of the physics engines can be found at

Assignments Teams | Game Projects | XNA Camera | XNA Physics | Assignments

Please follow the reading assignments suggested in the project structure document.
Game Design Workshop Text can be found here.