Computer Graphics Laboratory

Image Synthesis - SS12 - Course Material

Slides Slides | Applets | Code | Literature

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Session Topic
20.02.2012 Opening lecture: Intro , Image Formation I
Reading Material: Reyes paper (Pixar) | SG 2010 RenderMan Course (Ch.1)
27.02.2012 Light & Matter
Reading Material: Slides| Chapter 5
05.03.2012 Monte Carlo Ray Tracing
Reading Material: Slides| Chapter 13| Chapter 14
05.03.2012 Global Illumination I
Reading Material: Slides| Chapter 15
19.03.2012 Bidirectional Light Transport
Reading Material: Slides| Chapter 15
26.03.2012 Radiosity & Precomputed Radiance Transfer
Reading Material: Slides
02.04.2012 VPLs & Participating Media
Reading Material: Slides| Chapter 11| Chapter 16
23.04.2012 Participating Media II
Reading Material: Slides| Chapter 11| Chapter 16| Lightcuts Paper
07.05.2012 BRDF Models and Microfacet Theory
Reading Material: Slides| Chapter 8
14.05.2012 Subsurface Scattering
Reading Material: Slides| Depth of Field (Ch 6.2.3) | Motion Blur (Ch 2.9) | Subsurface Scattering (Ch 16.5)
21.05.2012 Progressive Photon Mapping
Reading Material: Slides| Author Page (Paper & Code)

Slides | Applets | Code | Literature

Literature Slides | Applets | Code | Literature

Required Textbook (Downloadable from within ETH network)