Computer Graphics Laboratory

Mathematical Foundations of Computer Graphics and Vision - SS22 - Home


  • Exercise 6 is now available on the homeworks page. You have until May 30th at 11:55pm to submit your solution on Moodle.
  • Exercise 5 is now available on the homeworks page. You have until May 9th at 11:55pm to submit your solution on Moodle.
  • Exercise 4 is now available on the homeworks page. You have until April 25th at 11:55pm to submit your solution on Moodle.
  • Exercise 3 is now available on the homeworks page. You have until April 11th at 11:55pm to submit your solution on Moodle.
  • Exercise 2 is now available on the homeworks page. You have until March 21st March 28th at 11:55pm to submit your solution on Moodle.
  • Exercise 1 is now available on the homeworks page. You have until March 14th at 11:55pm to submit your solution on Moodle.
  • This year we are returning to in-person teaching. The first lecture will take place on Tuesday, 22nd of February. A lot of important information will be given, so please do not miss it.



This course presents the fundamental mathematical tools and concepts used in computer graphics and vision. Each theoretical topic is introduced in the context of practical vision or graphic problems, showcasing its importance in real-world applications.


The theory behind various mathematical concepts and tools will be introduced, and their practical utility will be showcased in diverse applications in computer graphics and vision. The course will cover topics in sampling, reconstruction, approximation, optimization, robust fitting, differentiation, quadrature and spectral methods. Applications will include 3D surface reconstruction, camera pose estimation, image editing, data projection, character animation, structure-aware geometry processing, and rendering.

Course Objectives

The main goal is to equip the students with the key mathematical tools necessary to understand state-of-the-art algorithms in vision and graphics. In addition to the theoretical part, the students will learn how to use these mathematical tools to solve a wide range of practical problems in visual computing. After successfully completing this course, the students will be able to apply these mathematical concepts and tools to practical industrial and academic projects in visual computing.

Course Work

The evaluation consists of an oral examination and a set of programming homeworks. The homeworks account for 50% of the final grade, and the oral exam accounts for 50%. The exercises and their submissions will be managed using Moodle.

General remarks and late policy

Assignments will be handed out every one or two weeks and will be discussed in the exercise session. Each exercise has a fixed due date at which all the required material has to be handed in. The ONLY exceptions for late submission are military service or illness, both of which require written proof.


Introduction to Computer Graphics and Computer Vision. Some experience with Python programming.


Number 252-5706-00L
Lecturers Dr. Tunc Aydin (, STD

Dr. Abdelaziz Djelouah (, STD
Assistants Karlis Martins Briedis (, STD
Language English
Course Location CAB G 51, Tuesdays 10-12
Exercise Location CAB G 51, Tuesdays 13-14
ECTS Credits 5
Exam oral, 20 minutes (in English)