Computer Graphics Laboratory

Mathematical Foundations of Computer Graphics and Vision - SS22 - Homework


For the submission of exercises we use Moodle, please login to submit your solutions.

Handout Additional Material Due Date Submission link
Exercise 1
(updated 04.03.2022)
Presentation 14.03.2022, 23:55 Moodle
Exercise 2 Presentation 28.03.2022, 23:55 Moodle
Exercise 3 Presentation 11.04.2022, 23:55 Moodle
Exercise 4 Presentation 25.04.2022, 23:55 Moodle
Exercise 5 Presentation 09.05.2022, 23:55 Moodle
Exercise 6 Presentation 30.05.2022, 23:55 Moodle

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