Computer Graphics Laboratory

Physically-based Simulation - AS16 - Homework


In the first part of the semester, there will be three graded exercises to different topics. In the second part of the semester comprises of a mandatory project, where students create a small game or demo scene using techniques learnt in class. This includes a mid-project presentation a few weeks before the end, and a final presentation in the last lecture of the semester.
All assignments should be submitted in groups of 2 or 3.

Exercise 1: Mass Points and Springs (Assigned: September 28, Due: October 12)
[Exercise] - [Framework] - [Slides] - [Solution (Code)] - [Solution (PDF)]
Exercise 2: FEM (Assigned: October 12, Due: October 26)
[Exercise] - [Framework] - [Slides] - [Solution (Code)]
Exercise 3: Fluids (Assigned: October 26, Due: November 9)
[Exercise] - [Framework] - [Slides] - [Result grid size 64x64] - [Result grid 200x200]

Previous projects

Selected course projects from 2010 to 2015: [Videos of some results (ppt)]

Rigid Body Simulation & SPH (competition winner 2011)

Marco Zimmerman, Philipp Brüschweiler

Terrain Erosion Simulation (competition winner 2012)

Sabina Schellenberg, Pascal Spörri, Adrian Blumer

Beer Simulation

Max Forbes, Chris Dentel

Cloth and Soft Boday Simulation

Jared Niederhauser, Xiang Gao, Xu Xianghao

Boat on Water Simulation

Enrico Kravina, Fabio Rambone, Yaron Tausky