Computer Graphics Laboratory

Physically-based Simulation - AS 17

Important: The following slides and exercises were generated as course documentation only. They contain images with unknown copyright. Therefore, the slides are provided exclusively for students attending the course to study the course material. Please do not distribute these documents.
Note: These documents can only be accessed within the ETH network.

Lectures material

Session Material
20/09 Introduction [Slides1] [Slides2]
27/09 Mass-Spring Systems I
04/10 Mass-Spring Systems II [Slides] [Notes] [Exercise Source (Maple)]
11/10 Applied Partial Differential Equations [Slides1] [Slides2]
18/10 Rigid Body Simulation I [Slides]
25/10 Fluid Simulation I [Slides]
01/11 Finite Element Simulation of Deformable Solids [Exercise Source]
08/11 Rigid Body Simulation II [Slides]
15/11 Guest Lecture by Matthias Müller-Fischer (NVIDIA Research) [Slides1] [Slides2] [Source Material]
22/11 Fluids II [Slides]
29/11 Fast Simulation of Deformable Objects [Slides] [Exercise Source]
06/12 Fluids III [Slides]
13/12 Guest Lecture by Stelian Coros (Computational Robotics Lab, ETH Zurich)
20/12 Project Demonstrations

Exercises material

In the first part of the semester, there will be three graded exercises of different topics. All exercises should be submitted in groups of 2 or 3.

Exercise 1: Mass-Spring Systems (Assigned: September 27th, Due: October 11th)
[Exercise] - [Framework] - [Slides] - [Solution]
Exercise 2: PDEs (Assigned: October 11th, Due: October 25th)
[Exercise] - [Framework] - [Slides] - [Solution]
Exercise 3: Fluids (Assigned: October 25th, Due: November 8th)
[Exercise] - [Framework] - [Slides] - [Solution]

Result grid size 64x64
Project Plan Presentation (Assigned: October 20th, Due: November 8th)