Computer Graphics Laboratory

Computer Graphics - AS10 - Homework

Assignments Assignments

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Session Due Topic
24.09.2010 30.09.2010, 23:00h Raycasting
Files: Framework, Html Template, How your image should look like (without watermark), Slides
For those who downloaded the framework before Sept 27th: here is a bugfix for string_conversions.h.
01.10.2010 07.10.2010, 23:00h Raytracing
Files: Additional Scene Files, How your images should look like (without watermark), more examples, Slides
08.10.2010 18.10.2010, 23:00h kd-Tree
Files: Additional Scene Files, Slides
19.10.2010 28.10.2010, 23:00h Textures and Supersampling
Files: Additional Scene Files, How it should look, Slides
05.11.2010 12.11.2010, 14:15h Meshes and Curves
Files: Slides
12.11.2010 18.11.2010, 23:00h Animation and Camera Control with Bezier Curves
Files: Slides, Bezier Application, Ray Tracer Command Line Files
none Proposal:
22.11.2010, 23:00h
21.12.2010, 23:00h
Rendering Competition
A code base for photon mapping can be found here.