Computer Graphics Laboratory

Computer Graphics - AS10 - Course Material

Slides Slides | Applets | Code | Literature

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Session Topic
21.09.2010 Introduction
24.09.2010 Raytracing
28.09.2010 Introduction to Shape Representations
01.10.2010 Raytracing II
05.10.2010 Sampling
09.10.2010 Part I: Texturing
Part II: Procedural Textures
12.10.2010 Procedural Modeling
15.10.2010 Light Transport I
19.10.2010 Light Transport II
22.10.2010 Light Transport III
26.10.2010 Advanced Global Illumination
29.10.2010 Participating Media
02.11.2010 Curves I
09.11.2010 Curves II
12.11.2010 Bezier Curves
16.11.2010 Bezier Curves 2
19.11.2010 B-Splines and Surfaces
23.11.2010 Bezier Surfaces
30.11.2010 Rational Curves and Surfaces
03.12.2010 Shader Programming
07.12.2010 Surface Representations
10.12.2010 Mesh Processing
14.12.2010 Animation 1
17.12.2010 Animation 1

The base code for photon mapping can be found here.

Applets Slides | Applets | Code | Literature

Code Slides | Applets | Code | Literature

Literature Slides | Applets | Code | Literature

Main book for rendering part
  • Pharr, Humphreys: Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation, Morgan Kaufmann, 2005
Additional Literature for rendering part
  • Radiometry and photometry FAQ by James M. Palmer, Research Professor, Optical Sciences Center University of Arizona
  • Glassner: An Introduction to Ray-Tracing, Academic Press, 1989
  • Glassner: Principles of Digital Image Synthesis, Morgan Kaufman, 1995
Main book for modeling part
  • Farin: Curves and Surfaces for CAGD, Morgan Kaufman, 2002
  • Foley, van Dam, Feiner, Hughes: Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, Addison-Wesley, 1996
  • Shirley, Ashikhmin, Gleicher, Marschner, Reinhard, Sung, Thompson, Willemsen: Fundamentals of Computer Graphics 2nd Edition, A K Peters 2005