Computer Graphics Laboratory

Computer Graphics - AS13 - Schedule


The exercises will be updated according to the course schedule.

Topic Lecturerer
17.09.2013IntroProf. Gross
Prof. Sorkine-Hornung
20.09.2013Shape Representation IProf. Sorkine-Hornung(no exercise session)
24.09.2013Shape Representation IIProf. Sorkine-HornungEx1 handout
27.09.2013Texture MappingProf. Sorkine-HornungQ&A
01.10.2013Ray Tracing IDr. Oliver Wang-
04.10.2013Ray Tracing IIDr. Oliver WangJavaScript tutorial, Ex2 handout
08.10.2013Ray Tracing IIIDr. Oliver Wang-
11.10.2013Ray Tracing IVDr. Oliver WangEx1 due
15.10.2013Visibility Culling IProf. Sorkine-Hornung-
18.10.2013Visibilitiy Culling IIProf. Sorkine-HornungQ&A
22.10.2013Light Transport IDr. Oliver Wang-
25.10.2013Light Transport IIDr. Oliver WangEx2 grading, Ex3 handout
29.10.2013Light Transport IIIDr. Oliver Wang-
01.11.2013Light Transport IVDr. Oliver WangQ&A
05.11.2013Curve Geometry IntroProf. Sorkine-Hornung-
08.11.2013Polynomials, InterpolationDr. Alec JacobsonEx3 grading, Ex4 handout
12.11.2013Bezier Curves IProf. Sorkine-Hornung-
15.11.2013Bezier Curves IIProf. Sorkine-HornungQ&A
19.11.2013Tensor Product SurfacesDr. Daniele Panozzo-
22.11.2013Rational Curves and Surfaces (NURBS)Dr. Daniele PanozzoEx5 handout
26.11.2013Procedural Textures and Modeling IDr. Wenzel Jakob-
29.11.2013Procedural Textures and Modeling IIProf. Sorkine-HornungEx4 grading
03.12.2013Point Based Graphics IProf. Gross-
06.12.2013Point Based Graphics IIProf. GrossQ&A
10.12.2013Point Based Graphics IIIDr. Cengiz Oztireli-
13.12.2013Point Based Graphics IV, Light Dome TourDr. Oliver WangEx5 grading
17.12.2013Computer Graphics Research OutlookDr. Barbara Solenthaler-
20.12.2013no classNo exercise session