Computer Graphics Laboratory ETH Zurich


Physically-based Simulation - AS 18

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Hall of Fame

The second part of the semester comprises a mandatory project, where students create a small game or a demo scene using techniques learnt in class. This includes a mid-project presentation a few weeks before the end, and a final presentation in the last lecture of the semester. This project is made in groups of 2 or 3. At the end of a final presentation, there is a jury and audience award ceremony with cool prizes.


Water jet with divergence-free SPH (Winner and Most Popular)

Lea Auf Der Maur, Luca Lanzendörfer, Jonathan Meier

Rube Goldberg Machine (2nd place)

Stephan Zehnder, Thomas Etterlin, Thomas Wolf

Rag Doll Simulation (3rd place)

Guido Maiga, Simone Guggiari, Fabienne Christen
