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Weekly Exercises and Solutions
Uebung 1: Repetition Wahrscheinlichkeit, Ausblick Codierung
- Uebung: [PDF]
- Repetitionsblatt: [PDF]
- Loesung: [PDF]
Uebung 2: Stochastische Prozesse, Markov-Ketten, Markov-Automaten
Uebung 3: Entropie I
Uebung 4: Entropie II
- Uebung: [PDF]
- Loesung (updated): [PDF]
Uebung 5: Informationsquellen, One-Time Pad
Uebung 6: Codes
Uebung 7: Huffman, Fano-Ungleichung
Uebung 8: Shannon-Fano, Arithmetische Codierung, Codierung ganzer Zahlen
Uebung 9: Intervalllaengencodierung, Lempel-Ziv, Vergleich von Codierungsverfahren
Uebung 10: Blockcode, Decodierung, Kapazitaet
Uebung 11: Minimaldistanz, Anzahl Codewoerter, Kanalcodierungstheorem, Codes durch Matrizen
Uebung 12: Lineare Codes, Syndromdecoder, Duale Hamming-Codes, Polynomevaluationscodes
Exercise Locations
- The following locations are reserved for the exercise lessons. Maps with the location of the buildings can be found
Room: |
Assistant: |
Day: |
Time: |
IFW A32.1 |
Richard Keiser (
Thursday |
08.15-09.00 |
IFW A34 |
Martin Wicke (
Thursday |
08.15-09.00 |
IFW C42 |
Cyril Flaig (
Thursday |
08.15-09.00 |
ML J34.1 |
Andrea Francke (
Thursday |
08.15-09.00 |
NO G33 |
Jonas Waefler (
Thursday |
08.15-09.00 |
Exercise Groups
At least 75% of the exercises.
Group work
Homework can be handed in by groups of two students.
Personal Status
Help Forum
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Additional Information
The coordination of the exercises is managed by Daniel Cotting (IFW D 27.2, Tel. 2 69 96).
Questions, suggestions or corrections regarding the webpage can be addressed directly to Daniel Cotting (IFW D 27.2, Tel.
2 69 96).