Computer Graphics Laboratory

Seminar Talks 2002 (WS 02/03)

Seminar - WS 2002/03
Topic Speaker
Introductions, Demos, Organisation
PDF Handout
M. Teschner
Mass-Spring Models, Particle Systems
PDF Handout
M. Teschner
Finite Element Methods I (Elasticity)
PDF Handout
M. Müller
Finite Element Methods II (Plasticity, Fracture), Fluid Equations
PDF Handout
M. Müller
Collision Detection for Rigid Objects
PDF Handout
M. Teschner
Collision Detection for Deformable Objects B. Heidelberger
Rigid Bodies
PDF Handout
M. Müller
N. Foster, R. Fedkiw: "Practical Animation of Liquids"
PDF Handout
Marco Fischer
State of the Art Rigid Body Dynamics
PDF Handout
Adam Moravanszky
R. Fedkiw: "Physically Based Modeling and Animation of Fire"
PDF Handout
Denis Steinemann
G.D. Yngve, J.F. O'Brian, J.K. Hodkins: "Animating Explosions"
PDF Handout
Filip Sadlo
Vertex- und Pixelshader fuer Echtzeit-Rendering von Glas und Wasser
PDF Handout
Thomas Rusterholz
Mathieu Desbrun, Marie-Paule Gascuel: "Smoothed Particles: A new paradigm for animating highly deformable bodies"
PDF Handout
Rolf Bruderer
Hair Modeling
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Joris Ticozzelli
V.J. Milenkovicy, H. Schmidlz: "Optimization-Based Animation"
PDF Handout
Isha Geigenfeind
R. Strzodka, M. Rumpf: "Using Graphics Cards for Quantized FEM Computations"
R. Strzodka : "Virtual 16 Bit Precise Operations on RGBA8 Textures"
PDF Handout
Andreas Helbling
P. Fearing: "Computer Modeling of Fallen Snow"
B.E. Feldmann, J.F. O'Brien: "Modeling the Accumulation of Wind-Driven Snow"
PDF Handout
Christopher Nenning
T. Nishita, Y. Dobashi, E. Nakamae: "Display of Clouds Taking into Account Multiple Anisotropic Scattering and Sky Light"
Y. Dobashi, K. Kaneda, H. Yamashita, T. Okita, T. Nishita: "A Simple, Efficient Method for Realistic Animation of Clouds"
PDF Handout
Erich Crameri
Cloth Simulation
PDF Handout
Sandro Patocchi
Selling Physics - The Havok Engine
PDF Handout
Bjoern Jarisch
J.F. O'Brien, A.W. Bargteil, J.K. Hodgins: "Graphical Modeling and Animation of Ductile Fracture"
PDF Handout
Stephan Duthaler
Aero Modeling (Flight Simulation)
PDF Handout
Heinrich Bernhard Wymann