Computer Graphics Laboratory

Visual Computing (SS 06) - Course Notes

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Script will be sold at the beginning of the semester.

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  • GLUT 3.7 libraries for Windows [zipped package]
  • Move the files stored in this this zip-file to the following locations:
    • glut.h
      If Microsoft Visual C++ is installed, there is a directory Microsoft Visual Studio in the programs folder. Copy the header file glut.h to the subdirectory VC98/Include/GL/. In the same subdirectory, you should find the OpenGL header files (gl.h, glu.h and possibly glaux.h).
    • glut32.lib
      This library is used by the link process and should be moved to the subdirectory Microsoft Visual Studio/VC98/Lib/. At the same place, you should find the OpenGL libraries (opengl32.lib, glu32.lib).
    • glut32.dll
      Copy this dynamic link library to the system folder where all dll-files reside. On Windows NT systems, the system folter is C:\WINNT\system32\. At the same place, you find the OpenGL dll-files (opengl32.dll, glu32.dll).
  • GLUT library and replacement header file for Visual Studio 2005
    [library] [header file]
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